Monday, April 2, 2018

Possible Huge Venom News

Unlike a lot of people, I'm really looking forward to Sony's Venom film. Sure it's not going to be tied to Spider-Man, but that doesn't mean it can't be great. They've got the director of Zombieland and very selective Oscar nominee Tom Hardy on board and are going for a dark, R Rated, sci fi horror/thriller tone. As a fan of the character this gets me very excited and hopeful.

Many fans have been wanting to see what this new version of Venom will look like. We didn't see his design in the teaser, but that's understandable considering the film had just wrapped filming and the FX wouldn't be ready to show that (No. That rumor of Venom only appearing in the last 5 minutes of the film is false. Tom Hardy debunked that on his Instagram account). But some possible good news might be here for those wanting to see more. A photo has leaked online showing that Sony could be partnering to promote Venom with Brisk Ice Tee and we get to see Venom's face on the Dark Cherry Limade bottle.

IF this is legit (At this time neither Sony or Brisk have confirmed it), I love the look of his face. It's the classic Venom we all know and love. I can see that savage put playful look on his face. And if you pay attention, you'll notice that his eyes are the exact same ones from the teaser poster (Which leads me to suspect that this is real). Hopefully this possible leak will inspire Sony to release the next trailer soon.

The other big Venom rumor going around comes from Bleeding Cool who reported yesterday that Woody Harrelson may be playing Carnage in the film. Yes I know they posted it on April Fool's Day, but they've said they no longer do those joke stories and we've heard Harrelson might have a part in this film since December (Although he's the only actor that wasn't in any of the leaked set photos which tells me his role in the film is probably small).

I would love it if this rumor is true. Woody Harrelson is brilliant actor (Just saw Three Billboards last month which he was incredible in) and I can really see him portraying someone truly evil and insane like Cletus Kassidy. And I specifically said Cletus because I don't think we'll see him as Carnage in this first film. I think he'll have a very small part as a normal serial killer and if the film is a hit, he'll become Carnage in Venom 2. I'm okay with this since we know that this is an origin story for Eddie Brock and the Venom suit and they'll be fighting the Life Foundation. You gotta save some stuff for later.

What do you think of this news? Does it get you more excited for the film or does it do nothing for you? Comment and let me know. And thanks for reading. :0)

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